Apply to Become an Angel of Hope
Please Note: Applications for the 2024-2025 Angels of Hope class are closed as all 30 Angel spots are currently filled. Thank you for your interest in our Angel program. You can learn more about our application process below or share this link to participants interested in applying for the Angels of Hope program in the future. Public applications will open again Mid April 2025 for the next Angel class.
The Angels of Hope program shall be limited to generally 30 participants each year.
The total cost of the program for the 2024-2025 class is $3,000, which includes 3 tickets to the Hope Ball.
Angel Candidates:
All Angel candidates must be a female entering her junior year of high school. All fees must be paid in full for presentation at the Ball. The Angel must complete the required service hours as established by the Angels of Hope Committee within the allotted time frame. At their presentation at the Hope Ball, Angels must wear formal white gowns meeting the Committee guidelines and long white gloves. Any Angel completing the presentation requirements and a minimum of 100 total approved service hours may receive a service award. This service award is non-competitive and provides no monetary value.
Legacy candidates are daughters and granddaughters of members in good standing who have served at least three member years and currently have a status of Active, Career or Sustainer of The Twentieth Century Club of Little Rock. Sustaining members are considered to be in good standing provided they have paid their required dues for the fiscal year in which application packets are emailed. A potential new member must apply to join the 20th Century Club by the last day of March of her daughter’s 7th grade school year and be an active member for at least 3 years to be considered a legacy candidate for Angel registration..
Each year one spot in a future Angels of Hope class will be available for purchase at the Hope Ball as an Auction item. This spot cannot be for a class more than 3 years in the future. Purchased Angel spots from the Hope Ball Auction will be included in the appropriate Angel class and receive priority enrollment along with Legacy candidates. For additional information on purchasing an Angel spot at the Hope Ball, please contact our Executive Director at executivedirector@hopeawayfromhome.org.
Legacy candidates will be emailed a priority application packet on April 1st or the first business day following April 1st. Application packets for general public candidates will be available on our website or at the Lodge during business hours on April 15th or the first business day following April 15th.
Legacy Priority Enrollment Process (Opens April 1)
Legacy candidates will be sent an email with the application packet on April 1st or the first business day following April 1st. To secure a spot in the Angels of Hope program, Legacy candidates must complete all forms in the application packet, include a $500 deposit check, and return those to the designated accounting firm by 5:00 pm on the date specified in the application letter.
Legacy candidates whose packets are received after the specified date and time and/or without all the required information will not be eligible for priority enrollment but may participate in enrollment with the general public.
The designated accounting firm will provide the 20th Century Club with the names of Legacy candidates who met all the requirements and are eligible for the Angels of Hope program and those who did not, if any.
The 20th Century Club Executive Director will notify the parents of the Legacy candidates via email as to whether their daughter has a spot in the Angels of Hope program or not. Those that did not meet the eligibility requirements are still able to participate in the general public enrollment process.
General Public Enrollment Process (Opens April 15)
Enrollment in the Angels of Hope program is by random drawing. To be entered in the drawing, candidates must complete all forms in the application packet which will be available online to print or available to pick up at the 20th Century Club Lodge on April 15th or the first business day following April 15th. All completed forms must be returned to the designated accounting firm by 5:00 pm on the date specified in the application letter.
Candidates whose packets are received after the specified date and time and/or without all the required information will not be eligible for the random drawing.
Representatives of the designated accounting firm will conduct the random drawing and provide the results to the 20th Century Club by 5:00 pm on the business day following the packet due date.
The 20th Century Club Executive Director will notify parents of each candidate via email as to whether their daughter was selected in the random drawing or not.
Parents of candidates selected by the random drawing will be notified of the required deposit amount and due date. If the deposit is received by the required date, the candidate’s spot in the Angels of Hope program is secured. If the deposit is NOT received by the required date, the candidate will not be offered a spot in the Angels of Hope program.
If a candidate or candidates selected by the random drawing declines to participate in the Angels of Hope program or fails to submit the required deposit by the due date, those spot(s) in the Angels of Hope program will become available to the first candidate listed on the alternate list.